Bass build projects

Been accumulating parts to build some basses, waiting on summer to do the woodwork outside. Which has been happening. Aim is a looking good with furniture in the livnig room J bass and P bass that work fairly normal to demo amps with and look right hanging with my furniture between times.

P bass started here. Walnut top on Poplar.

The J bass started as a badly done warmoth build I got on ebay, badly spray lacquered. Stripping it raised the grain and made it look terrible. Didn’t take pics until it was sanded back and grain filler going in. Check how nasty that battery cut out is.

Black grain filler going in the walnut. In hindsight, probably should’ve masked off the poplar.

Tru-Oil going on the P after sanding back to 1200 grit.

Oil going on the J after sanding back to 1200 grit

Hardware try outs.

Waiting on screws arriving to do asssembly.